We build what we love
Specifically, inspired companies that make things better
Strand Ventures’ aim is twofold: 1) Create and scale inspired companies, products, services, and digital solutions designed with innovation and integrity in mind, and 2) help startups and scaleups uncover, and act on, significant opportunities that make an impact, to find success in new and unexpected ways.
Why we exist
We believe in making things better the right way by creating, scaling, investing in, and helping people-centric entrepreneurs, investors and executives build inspired companies, products, services, and digital solutions designed with innovation and integrity in mind.
What we do
What gets our blood flowing is identifying a meaningful market need or big problem and devising creative, elegant solutions to meet it and find success in new and unexpected ways.
How we do it
We build businesses that think and act differently and grow more capabilities more quickly than others do so that they perform better today and virtuous cycles take hold.
Venture Development
Strand Ventures is a multidisciplinary venture development firm that focuses on the right and responsible way to create and scale inspired companies, products, services, and digital solutions designed with innovation and integrity in mind. What gets our blood flowing is identifying a significant market need or big problem and devising an inspired, elegant solution to meet it.
(restricted access until we’re out of stealth mode)
Business Consulting
Scaling businesses and innovating faster and better isn’t easy, and it can be made simpler. With our help in developing strategies, bridging experience, and knowledge gaps, and by developing comprehensive capabilities, companies can reach new highs that increase the likelihood of emerging as winners. We also create clarity about the origin, destination, and the fastest route between the two.